Take a look at your life and your assets to see if you fit into one or more of these situations that can impact your finances:
You're in a second (or later) marriage
You own one or more businesses
You own real estate in more than one state
You have a disabled family member or you've become disabled
You have minor children
You have "problem" children
You don't have any children
You want to leave some or all of your estate to charity
You have substantial assets in 401(k)s and/or IRAs
You were recently divorced
You've recently lost a spouse or other family member
You have an incapacitated spouse in need of long-term care
You have a taxable estate for federal and/or state estate tax purposes
You will need the counseling and advice of one of the experienced estate planning and elder law attorneys at Fiffik Law Group to assist with your future plans if one or more of these situations apply to you.